Credit cards frequently get a bad reputation due to the possibility of loss or misuse. With the rise in online payments and growing security concerns, virtual credit cards are ushering in a new way of making payments. Are you tired of sharing physical card information with recurring vendors? Do you want to mitigate the risk […]
Can the Rise of Supply Chain Financing Also Raise Rural India’s Economy?
In the early days of India’s independence, the focus was on rural development. The country’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, envisioned a future for India in which its vast rural population would be lifted out of poverty and given access to modern amenities and opportunities. However, in recent years there has been a shift from […]
Invoice Financing: A Funding Option for MSMEs
As our economy became the fifth largest in the world, the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector contributed about 29% of our GDP and nearly 50% of the total exports. The availability of funds is the most important challenge they face. Traditional financing methods like term loans, cash credits, and overdrafts are often inadequate […]
What Does RBI’s Latest Digital Lending Guidelines Signify?
India’s digital lending market has grown considerably in recent years. Many fin-tech providers are offering easy loans to customers without collateral. While these loans are helpful for some customers who may be unable to get approved loans by a bank, the unregulated nature of this sphere proposed quite a few problems. Violations of customer data […]
7 Reasons Why Your Working Capital Lending Operation Needs to Be Updated
Technological advancements have changed lending significantly – banks are integrating fintech and modern loan origination software in their legacy systems. And automation has enabled small players to compete with banks by offering loans at competitive rates. However, since technology keeps changing, you’ll need to update your working capital lending operation to stay relevant. While automation […]
Supply Chain Financing: How Banks Help Small Entrepreneurs Grow
Cashflows are the lifebloods of businesses. The biggest challenge an entrepreneur faces is raising funds. New businesses must stabilise their fund flows to sustain their operations and scale up, whether it is equity or working capital. Small businesses must manage their receivables and payables meticulously to maintain a comfortable liquidity position. Sometimes, they look for […]