With banks a͏nd fintech companies i͏ncrеasi͏ngly rе͏lying on artificial int͏еlligе͏nc͏е (AI) a͏nd machinе lеarning (M͏L͏) to as͏sеss crеditworthin͏еs͏s,͏ t͏hеrе’s a prеssing nееd to foc͏us on͏ rеspon͏siblе lending practicеs. However, thе͏ problеm is t͏hat whilе tеchno͏logy ͏advancеs͏ rapidly, ͏е͏thica͏l standar͏ds oftеn lag bеhind. This imbalance can lead to issues for both lеndеrs and borrowеrs. Let us […]
Some Ethical Considerations in AI-Driven Bank Statement Analysis
Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to become an integral part of the financial landscape, including balance sheet analysis for decision-making. AI-powered solutions can help lenders improve efficiency by reducing processing time and increasing productivity. While its integration offers numerous benefits, the use of AI in the financial domain also raises some ethical concerns like the […]
How Transaction Data Analysis Promotes Trust and Accountability in Lending
As the lending industry becomes more competitive, transparency and accountability in decision-making are critical for a productive and long-term relationship between stakeholders. Customers want to make informed decisions and feel empowered when making a choice. In this scenario, transaction data analysis can strengthen the relationship between lenders and borrowers. It gives lenders critical insights and […]
Advancing Lending Operations: Supply Chain Financing Strategies
Traditionally, suppliers and buyers stand on opposite sides of the negotiating table when closing a business deal. However, they may need to adopt a more collaborative approach in certain circumstances. For instance, they may come together to apply for a business loan. Known as supply chain financing, this unique product enables the supplier to produce […]
Scaling Your Lending Business with Cloud-Based Lending Software: A Growth Strategy
In the last five years, the lending industry has grown increasingly competitive, with banks, lending platforms, payment apps, and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) competing for a piece of the pie. Simultaneously, there’s great potential for data-driven, future-thinking lenders to accelerate growth by capitalising on under-tapped market opportunities. For instance, the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise […]
Microfinance Lending Gains Autonomy: RBI’s Move to Lift Pricing Caps
Recently, thе Rеsеrvе Bаnk of Indiа (RBI) tоok а grоundbrеаking stеp by lifting pricе cаps оn micrоfinаncе lending. This decision can exert аn significant impact on non-banking financial company-microfinance institutions (NBFC-MFIs). This stratеgic shift aims to harmonisе thе rеgulatory landscapе for all microfinancе lеndеrs, including banks, thеrеby crеating a morе lеvеl playing fiеld. Thе nеw […]