Credit cards are an essential component of the lending landscape that bless borrowers with incredible financial convenience. It helps them navigate through occasional short terms of financial distress. The criteria for lending decisions vary from lender to lender. Credit analysts often grapple with factors like multiple credit scores, absence of credit history, frequency of bill […]
Why Lenders Shouldn’t Shy Away from MSME Digital Lending
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises sector is the backbone for developing nations like India. In fact, Indian MSMEs are currently working to strengthen their presence across sectors while simultaneously expanding their footprint globally. The consistent progress of the MSME sector is closely related to India’s pursuit of becoming a global economic power. However, progress and […]
Lending Management in the Mobile First World
As we move from the era of mobile-friendly to the age of mobile-first markets, businesses ought to prepare for the transformation. More salient is the fact that we, as users, are all sworn into the convenience that mobile experiences promise. The fact that mobile traffic has outpaced the desktop traffic in the business world bears […]
What Makes the Ideal NBFC Software?
Ever-increasing competition in the lending market and high cost of borrowing involved highlighting a need for more business players to follow agile practices. A lending business that supports a customer-centric approach by including technological integrations and innovations enjoys an edge above the rest. Thus, NBFCs must embrace smart technology. Today’s borrowers are high maintenance and […]
What Makes Finezza the Ideal Corporate Lending Solution?
Weakening demand and a series of defaults have left NBFCs gasping for breath. Banks have been wary of providing them much needed cash due to spiralling NPA volumes. The overall business sentiment in the market has been affected. The lack of liquidity has hit the corporate loan segment hard. Case in point: The top 500 […]
API Banking: What it is? How it works?
The customer’s experience is truly imperative to the success of all banking institutions. The banking customers want an easy-to-use experience that offers the latest digital services. Given the intense competition in the financial markets and the changing needs of the consumers, banks all over the world, make it a point to leverage the latest technologies. […]