The lending landscape has not moved to digital. However, we are witnessing some industry-wide frictionless lending processes introduced by new tech-savvy market players. As a result, the total size of the lending market in India stood at ₹156.9 Lakh crores in the FY 2022-2021. Based on the trends in 2018-2021, it is a 100% hike […]
Top 6 Pros and Cons of CBS in Banking
Financial transactions are much easier and more convenient today than in the 1970s. From anywhere, one can withdraw money from their bank accounts, open fixed deposits, or even trade on the stock market. Thanks to the CBS in banking industry, all of these faceless, timeless, and paperless transactions are now possible. Core banking software (CBS) […]
Core Banking vs Retail Banking: What’s The Difference?
When a bank representative approaches us to open an account, they usually inform us that their bank provides core banking facilities. Similarly, when we log in for net banking, we’re asked if we’d like to use a retail or corporate login. Even though retail and core banking are critical components of today’s banking system, they […]
How Developing Nations Are Driving the Mobile Banking Revolution
Technology makes it easy for companies to open the floodgates of the financial system to the masses; mobile banking is the proof. Moreover, fintech (of which mobile banking is a part) has revolutionised the banking sector, forcing it to undergo changes that would otherwise be daunting. But now, we live in the era of customised […]
Top 4 Mobile Banking Risks and How to Mitigate Them
Shrinking sizes and expanding prowess, mobiles promise a great deal: calling, dating, job-hunting, working, and…banking. As a result, these portable powerhouses have irrevocably changed lives, corporations, and consumer behaviour. A greater demand for easy, all-around access to products and services has steered technological and communicative developments. So, a significant result has been the advent of […]
What Is the Difference Between Finserv and FinTech?
If you’re learning about a new industry, you need to familiarise yourself with the jargon of that industry. The jargon is not meant to confuse you but to help you communicate concepts as clearly and quickly as possible. Common terminologies have also transformed with the marriage of finance with ever-evolving technology. Two often used terms […]