Credit cards frequently get a bad reputation due to the possibility of loss or misuse. With the rise in online payments and growing security concerns, virtual credit cards are ushering in a new way of making payments. Are you tired of sharing physical card information with recurring vendors? Do you want to mitigate the risk […]
Can the Rise of Supply Chain Financing Also Raise Rural India’s Economy?
In the early days of India’s independence, the focus was on rural development. The country’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, envisioned a future for India in which its vast rural population would be lifted out of poverty and given access to modern amenities and opportunities. However, in recent years there has been a shift from […]
Invoice Financing: A Funding Option for MSMEs
As our economy became the fifth largest in the world, the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector contributed about 29% of our GDP and nearly 50% of the total exports. The availability of funds is the most important challenge they face. Traditional financing methods like term loans, cash credits, and overdrafts are often inadequate […]
Credit Cards’ Uncertain Future: Will Virtual Cards Dominate?
It’s no secret that credit cards have faced a fair share of problems in the past few years. The global recession caused many people to tighten their belts, and credit card companies were some of the first to feel the pinch. Fees increased, interest rates rose, and many people found themselves struggling to keep up […]
Why Is Supply Chain Financing in Demand Among SMBs and How to Leverage It?
SMBs may have found the perfect product-market fit but are restricted from capitalizing on the opportunity without access to timely funds. Small businesses can benefit from supply chain financing by getting access to instant financing and liquidity in this situation. Accounting standards cover the accounting by the supplier for advances it receives under this arrangement. […]
How Can B2B Buy Now, Pay Later, Twist the Rules of Trade Finance?
Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) is now becoming quite popular in the B2B space. Statista estimates that the global market for business payments is $125 trillion. B2B BNPL added a new twist to the old concept of net payment terms. And today, more and more businesses are using it to purchase everything from office supplies […]