Fintech-as-a-Service (FaaS) is making waves in this age of aggressive digitalisation. Traditional financial and non-financial companies use FaaS to make their solutions more effective and customer-friendly. FaaS uses cutting-edge technology to assist different industries, including lending, credit, and payments, overcome long-standing challenges. When you add in the growing popularity of digital systems like online financing, […]
How Finezza Helped Gromor & Udhyam Alter Bengaluru’s Iron-walas
The pandemic has proved how technology can reverse every adversity into an opportunity. The massive digitisation of Indian businesses has led to non-conservative finance models like co-lending to gain a foothold. While co-lending is still nascent, it is gaining popularity among stakeholders, .i.e. banks, NBFCs, and HFCs, for its high risk and reward. Co-lending as […]
Risks & Opportunities for India’s Economy with the Rise of Fintech
From significant regulators in Mumbai to Blockchain specialists in cities like Delhi, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad, multiple Indian metropolises are snagging the title of ‘fintech hubs’. With a boom in startup growth and a boost from governmental support, the Indian fintech industry has become a force to reckon with. However, the unprecedented rate at which the […]
Challenges and Opportunities Facing India’s Digital Microfinance
The Internet revolution and increased mobile penetration across rural markets have fuelled the emergence of digital technologies in India’s microfinance sector over the last decade. MFIs have now begun to adapt to new technology trends for faster loan origination, efficient customer service and delivering flexible lending requirements using alternate channels. The proliferation of low-cost mobile […]
Critical Things to Note for a Successful Debt Recovery Strategy
One of the business tactics used by banks to earn interest is to offer debt in the form of loans. However, keeping a low non-performing loan rate is a challenging endeavour. It takes time and resources to complete the collection procedure for each possible defaulter. The debt collection became even more challenging because debtors and […]
Top 5 Mobile Banking Trends to Look Out for in 2022
While 2020 was marked with uncertainties for all the industries, 2021 was geared towards businesses adjusting their strategies for a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. Digitisation of user experience, for instance, was at the heart of the pandemic-era innovation. The pandemic-led lockdowns urged people to adopt digital ways of performing routine transactions. As a result, “95% of transactions […]