The introduction of the ‘Account Aggregators’ is said to usher in a new era of India’s financial landscape. However, many analysts view it as a masterstroke strategy by RBI to empower and strengthen the data transfer needs of various stakeholders involved. Designed to help millions of customers get digital access to their data and help […]
How Account Aggregators can Lead to Safe Lending Decisions
Before disbursing loans to individuals and organisations, the first thing any banks or lenders do is to vet their financial situation and lending eligibility. Lending institutions will want to know if you’ll be able to pay back the money you borrowed (the principal) plus interest in a fair amount of time. Then came the Account […]
What are Payment Service Providers and how do they Work?
Digital payments have become so commonplace today that consumers involuntarily reach out to their smartphones for making purchases for virtually anything and everything under the sun. It is no shocker that over 40 billion digital transactions amounting to a value of more than quadrillion Indian rupees were recorded in the financial year 2021 alone! In […]
6 Reasons Why You Must Choose a Trusted LOS Partner
Online loan origination process has become more nuanced vis-à-vis the competitiveness and regulations in recent times. Today, businesses can avail end-to-end lending solutions by choosing a reliable loan origination software for complete loan cycles. According to Statista, the digital lending market in India is expected to reach 350 billion dollars by 2023. A trusted loan […]
What are the Differences Between Payment and PSP Gateways?
In the world of digital commerce, the need for integrated, multi-channel payments continues to grow. With billions of daily transactions, payment gateways are becoming the leading edge of security, functionality, speed, and reliability. In the same vein, payment service providers or PSP gateway are turning into invaluable team players for companies and eCommerce sites in […]
Critical Steps to Ace Your Bank’s Cloud Transformation
Ever since banking has gone digital, security risks have drastically multiplied. As a result, banks need to opt for high-end & secure data storage units that reduce the chances of malicious attacks and enable quick recovery. These factors (among others) have led many banks to opt for cloud computing and storage in recent years. As […]