Shrinking sizes and expanding prowess, mobiles promise a great deal: calling, dating, job-hunting, working, and…banking. As a result, these portable powerhouses have irrevocably changed lives, corporations, and consumer behaviour. A greater demand for easy, all-around access to products and services has steered technological and communicative developments. So, a significant result has been the advent of […]
Why Mobile Banking Is a Must for Your Digital Banking Strategy?
An estimated 70% of Indian online adults with a bank account do their banking on a mobile app or website using their smartphone, according to data by Forrester research. The Covid-19 pandemic has expedited the already-existing need for a completely digitised world and brought it to the centre stage. For banks and NBFCs, the most […]
Can Fintech-as-a-Service (Faas) Replace Banks in 2022?
Fintech-as-a-Service (FaaS) is making waves in this age of aggressive digitalisation. Traditional financial and non-financial companies use FaaS to make their solutions more effective and customer-friendly. FaaS uses cutting-edge technology to assist different industries, including lending, credit, and payments, overcome long-standing challenges. When you add in the growing popularity of digital systems like online financing, […]
Top 5 Mobile Banking Trends to Look Out for in 2022
While 2020 was marked with uncertainties for all the industries, 2021 was geared towards businesses adjusting their strategies for a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. Digitisation of user experience, for instance, was at the heart of the pandemic-era innovation. The pandemic-led lockdowns urged people to adopt digital ways of performing routine transactions. As a result, “95% of transactions […]
The Rise of Co-Lending and How it Can Ease Credit Availability
Businesses need substantial working capital to maintain their cash flow, ensure smooth functioning, and boost profitability. With time, many small lenders have made a tremendous impact by availing credit to businesses in sectors such as small and medium enterprises (SMEs), agriculture and education. This has also led to difficulty in getting capital for non-banks to […]
Problems of Microfinance in India and the Way Ahead
Poverty is a significant economic problem in the majority of the developing world. In most rural areas of India, agriculture is the principal source of revenue. Agriculture employed 42.6% of India’s workforce in 2019. However, the rural community has been largely cut off from official financial institutions, resulting in poor performance Microfinance raises household income […]