Long before the advent of smart gadgets, voice assistants and wearables that have become commonplace today, we saw Hollywood movie characters using high-end cars equipped with sensors and voice assistants and superheroes receiving messages in their watch. Once a domain of fantasy, such devices are gaining momentum today, and a new class of tools is […]
Fintech and Cybersecurity: How to Manage Risks in this New Financial Era
Fintechs have garnered attention in all industries including banking and capital markets, asset and wealth management, insurance, funds transfer and payments. The lending and payments sectors are expected to witness a high level of disruption with the emergence of online platforms that enable the entire lending or borrowing process, peer to peer personal loans and […]
What Makes Finezza the Perfect Gold Loan Software?
India has the largest stock of privately held gold, estimated at 20,000 to 25,000 tonnes approximately. Typically, in an Indian household, gold is held idle in lockers and vaults and only used occasionally. It’s a drag on the economy wherein crores of rupees in savings is stashed away out of the financial system. However, thanks […]
Can Computer Analytics Make Borrower Profile Assessment Safer?
Lending is a big business in India, which both, directly and indirectly, touches upon all parts of the economy and people. Apart from the banking sector, several NBFC players contribute to a major percentage of the lending business. With millions of Indians holding loans worth crores of rupees, any technology that can make life easier […]
Digital Solutions And Debt Recovery Businesses Go Hand-In-Hand
Recouping unpaid debts is not always easy. From outdated information to gaps in communication, a whole host of reasons make debt recovery a hard business to manage. Fortunately, technology and tools can smoothen most wrinkles debt recovery businesses face. How Does Digitising Help Manage Your Debt Recovery Business? A McKinsey survey found that 73% of […]
Make Your Credit Evaluation Process Smarter With Finezza
Assessing the credit-worthiness of borrowers is a key component of lending success. Accuracy and time are of the essence when assessing counterparty risk. Yet the process of assimilating and analysing borrower information in order to assign a credit score when done manually is still prone to errors. It is also time-consuming, taking days or even […]