Student loans are one of the most popular types of loans that banks offer. Traditionally, student loans were given to aspirants who plan to do their graduation or post-graduation to cover their expenses like tuition fees, books and supplies, and living costs. With tougher competition in the global job market in the last decade, the […]
Virtual vs In-Person: Are Loan Management Systems Reliable?
Lending is the lifeline that fuels the financial growth of all businesses and individuals. In such a scenario, having a robust lending system becomes imperative for the overall growth of the economy. As the entire global financial systems make a rapid shift towards digitisation, this has forced the lending industry to look beyond the traditional […]
Neobanks for Teenagers: A New Opportunity in India’s Financial Horizon
Neobanks are financial technology-based banks that operate totally in the digital and mobile space. As of 2020, Neobank is still a relatively newer terminology and less understood by most of the traditional banking customers. Nevertheless, it is slowly but steadily gaining its popularity among teenage banking customers in India and also across the globe. What […]
Why A Loan Management System Is Vital in Today’s Lending Sector
The domain of finance has witnessed massive changes over the years and the rapid momentum of change has only remained constant. With significant regulatory changes, rise in digital payments and expansion in the volume of digital transactions, the future of the NBFC sector is ripe with several opportunities. In recent years, digital lending was at […]
How IoT Solutions Are Transforming the Fintech Ecosystem
Long before the advent of smart gadgets, voice assistants and wearables that have become commonplace today, we saw Hollywood movie characters using high-end cars equipped with sensors and voice assistants and superheroes receiving messages in their watch. Once a domain of fantasy, such devices are gaining momentum today, and a new class of tools is […]
Fintech and Cybersecurity: How to Manage Risks in this New Financial Era
Fintechs have garnered attention in all industries including banking and capital markets, asset and wealth management, insurance, funds transfer and payments. The lending and payments sectors are expected to witness a high level of disruption with the emergence of online platforms that enable the entire lending or borrowing process, peer to peer personal loans and […]